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Architectural Conceptualizations will be missed

Architectural Conceptualizations will be missed
Customizable Theatre Concept: King St Wharf: Garu

Don’t dis gamers!

As a whole they are the current pioneers of adapting technology. The industry instigates technologies in a way which no other industry can. They provide financial backing to new Tech companies; socially accept technology; culturally diverse and without discrimination; the industry promotes dreams and embrace the overlooked power of fictional procrastination; Gamers have infiltrated every corner of nearly every industry and every age; They are the ones who do not control the internet but they create it. Don’t mess with us Nerds!
The negative thing is the name ‘Game/gaming/gamers’ Stereotyped as useless and childish. But due to their technologically embracing nature they will be the ones who dissolve new techs to the rest of the laggard world.

What types of Gamers are there?

“I've never been into video games, but this is addictive,” said 72-year-old Flora Dierbach. “They come in after dinner and play. Sometimes, on Saturday afternoons, their grandkids come play with them … A lot of grandparents are being taught by their grandkids. But, now, some grandparents are instead teaching their grandkids.”

“This is pretty realistic. You can even put English on the ball,” said Don Hahn, 76, a veteran of numerous real-life bowling competitions. “I used to play Pac-Man a little bit, but with this you're actually moving around and doing something. You're not just sitting there pushing buttons and getting carpal tunnel.”

Article: Bashcraft's Japan Wii Launch coverage: Elderly men seen lining up for Wii and PS3: http://gizmodo.com/gadgets/home-entertainment/wii-turns-elderly-into-addicts-238986.php


Does this mean, the better gaming interfaces evolve the easier the game/Technology can be absorbed into society.
If Nintendo Wii with its physically interactive gaming control system, can get over 70yr olds to participate, just imagine what the ‘Emotiv Epoch’ brain wave sensing helmet gizmo can do. Whilst wearing the Epoch a player can control the game by just thinking it. In tech terms it is called BCI (Brain Control Interface).

What is Wii?

What is Epoch? http://www.emotiv.com/

"For the moment, though, Emotiv is developing the technology for video gaming. There are two reasons. The first is that video gamers are early adopters of new technology and Emotiv is hoping they will help it spread. The second, as I am about to learn, is that the Emotiv technology transforms the gaming experience into something almost magical: you can make things happen, move things, shoot things, kill people even, almost anything really, just by thinking about it."

Not all realistic gaming interfaces will enhance technology. I cannot comprehend why people would spend their time learning a joystick that looks like a guitar rather than actually playing a real world electric guitar.

The next Jimmy Hendrix might never touch a real guitar.
Advice: what not to buy for Christmas...

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